Member Loyalty Program
Open eCash Account
Open your eCash account for free by signing up as a member to start earning eCredits ★ and turn them into rewards. eCash works like a digital currency that you earn with your country's valid currency (actual money), by purchasing products/services. The more you spend, the more eCredits you build into eCash to then exchange for benifits/discounts. For example: 20 product purchases + 50 eCredits per purchase = 1,000 eCredits. You spend 1,000 eCredits to get free shipping when ordering for $75 or more for all items.
Earn Points
Become a member
Get 20 eCredits ★
Book a session
Get 15 eCredits ★
Purchase a product
Get 50 eCredits ★
Purchase a subscription plan
Get 5 eCredits ★
Redeem Rewards
Free shipping
1,000 eCredits ★ = Free Shipping when ordering for $75 or more for all items
5% off all services
300 eCredits ★ = 5% off for all services
$10 off all plans
500 eCredits ★ = $10 off for all plans
15% off purchases
400 eCredits ★ = 15% off orders over $200